New Category for this weblog

I added a “Democracy” category. I had been using “Sojourners” for all my political issue entries, which to me is fitting since Sojourners, and what they stand for, has been “to blame” for my “radical” notions of justice and what the Church should be saying and doing about all of this. When I read Joe Trippi’s The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, I felt like I had missed out— I was very late looking into the buzz I was hearing on the blogs about the Dean campaign, and how they were utilizing the Internet. I didn’t really “get it” until I started reading more and more from the bloggers who had already gotten it, like David Weinberger (a co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto and Small Pieces , Loosely Joined).

Still, categorizing these overtly “anti_Bush” posts as “Sojourners” is something of a theological affirmation that all of my political concern comes out of an understanding of ministry and Mission as having to do with real life, and how we as a human race are heeding or not heeding the call to every man, woman, and child to love our neighbor as ourselves.

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