The “Bush Economy”

I can’t quite take seriously the idea of a Bush economy, so inept is Bush intellectually when compared to any president in recent memory. It is common knowledge amongst political folks that Bush doesn’t read anything about policy unless he has to for appearance. Clinton read more in a typical month of his term than Bush has read in his entire time in office, probably b a factor of 2. Bush rejects any policy papers longer than a half page!

By the way, the Bush econmony has been ranked as the weakest in the last 60 years. All the Bush aplogist rep couold offer was that he inherited bad trends, but so did Clinton, and so do any presidents coming off economic depression. In fact, the past 2 Bushes have turned economies around in the wrong direction. Yeah, they inherited an economy at the end of a boom, but with deficits ballooning under both, and the almost blatant favoring of the richest Aemericans gettging an obscene amount of the “tax relief” (which the GOP mistakenly and naively assumes that they will feed back into the economy —-wrong, they hoard, and they seek ever greater advantages, and ever greater loopholes, and even more secrtetive and corrupt handling of finances — ie. Kenny Boy Lay , Bush’s own “insider trading” scandals, Cheney’s dirty ties with Hallerburton, and it goes ON and ON

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