What’s the Matter With Kansas?

NOW with Bill Moyers. Politics & Economy. Election 2004. Culture Wars | PBS

I checked the website for the Moyers show, NOW, which I just missed enroute home , to see what was on. I found this summary of the segment on Politics and Economy.

What is the matter with Kansas? In the eyes of Thomas Frank, it’s “the same thing that’s been the matter with America for so many years: the culture wars.” In his book WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? HOW CONSERVATIVES WON THE HEART OF AMERICA, Frank argues that middle Americans, in response to cultural issues, have aligned themselves with conservative Republicans and as a result, have ended up voting against their own economic interests.

Sounds familiar. While unaware of the specifics which this book explores, the idea of conservative folks voting against their own economic interests is not a great surprise, so often so Church follk, full of the “press and PR releases” of the GOP, assimilate a platform that behind the scenes, is siphoning off a staggering amount of the taxpayer’s money from the lower 99% of the country and depositing it directly in to the bank accounts of the top 1%. The gap between rich and poor continues to rise, and the middle class is contracting, as politics moves insidiously toward rule by the higest bidders. They get won over by pious talk that all too often and more often than not, is perfect cover to get away with hell. And hell is what it brings to the lower classes, and I pray not for the world (although acertain segment of it has started catching it from the good ol’ USA.

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