Partisanship Part 3

So, the jist of this is that I say to my fellow Church people and “followers of Jesus”: accuse me of being partisan against Republicans becuase I becry their methods and actions in this Iraq war. Fine. YOu apparently have to believe that, since that avoids the question of war in a Chriatian ethic. But this opposition has everything to do with my theology and not ay allegiance to a political party (of which I have NONE…..I’m readily willing to admit that I have voted “anti-Republican” rather than Democratic. I do NOT believe that the Republican party is , in any way, a “Pro-life” party. They talk the talk of anti-abotion and then their administrations see increases in abotion rates, while Democratic administrations see declines (under Clinton rates went down from the Reagan-Bush years, and then back up under GW Bush…..which makes pretty clear that “anti-abortion” is not what we need to decrease abortions. It is a matter of attacking the conditions that cause increases).

My resistance to resort to war is a theological matter. Period. The fact that I’m calling into question the larger scope of a president’s Christian ethics is something you’ll have to accept as a Christian argument and not a political decision. It’s something I see as siding with Jesus, and what he taught and lived. I am still somewhat puzzled as to how there came to be this separation of ethic by people otherwise entirely loving. I suppose it has to do with a longstanding myth and acceptance of “there will be wars” as somehow giving us to permission to segregate this into a “no-fly zone” of ouer minds, and default to the world’s position, which is that war is finally the answer, or that war is our only recourse, and that soemhow war will get us out of this mess (which is , too many wars…’s supposed to make sense, and be reconcilable with Jesus’ call to us to love our neighbor.

2 Replies to “Partisanship Part 3”

  1. Me

    I don’t think I like the sound of him, Chris. A bit too “theocratic” (even though he claims to be a total Church-State separatist, he seems to be so on a political alliance rather than his theology, which seems to be the same ole’ anti-gay, paryer-in-schools stuff emphasized along with an utter absence of the most glaring moral failure of our country: the war on Iraq.)

    I continuie to get more and more disgusted at the level of pro-Bush rhetoric, and the utter blindness cast upon the Church with a simple waving of a “Jesus changed my heart” magic wand —as if he weren’t already the “darling” of the right wing Churches already simply becuase he’s in the “pro-life Party” — which for the same reasons (the definition of life as it is in totality rather than being focused ONLY on the unborn) is absolutely empty because of their utterly deceitful, corrupt, and cowboy attitude toward the legitimacy of war (and far less so in this one than in any in American history— for in this case, we were only “scared” into believing that there was a defense to make).

    I’m not excited by the guy, based on all the above.

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