In search of the best

In search of the best cross-blogger poster, editor,  local client thingy.

In messing with an array of Blogger tools,  trying to figure out the best mechasnism for me,   I am feeling almost overwhelmed.   The tools for hosting seem too terribly geeky to me,  who I consider to be a fairly sophisticated ,  developer-level skilled Web person.   I have installed my first and second ever versions of Linux (Red Hat 7.3),   but am stuck on getting my sound card to work,  and even more lost on how to somehow get my TV Tuner to work.   I guess I’m going to have to resort to Red Hat Linux for Dummies,  cuz I guess I am in the world of Linux heads.  

So,  that being said,  I am partial to Radio,  since it is fairly easy for a beginner to understand the concept of local authoring and uploading to either Userland by default or FTP.  I even experimented with cross-blogging to at,  but thus far all of these wipe out every other post on whatever site you are uploading to.

Why?  If it is XML based,  and posts are posted by date and time,  then why the heck does it overwrite everything?  Am I missing something simple,  but well-hidden?  Why isn’t there a “Post All” option to explicitly give permission to post everything, and better yet,  a “Post All and Archive Existing” or “Post All and Replace Existing”,  so that all possible needs are addressed?

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