64-bit Flash Player?

NOw that I’ve installed 64-bit XP as a dula boot with my XP Pro, I notice that when I’m in 64-bit Windows, the Flash player won’t install into the 64-bit IE. I’ve seen people say “load the 32-bit IE”, but won’t that overwrite the 64-bit version, which I want to keep?

2 Replies to “64-bit Flash Player?”

  1. guru

    No worries about that. WinXP x64 v1218 (currently available for download) comes with both 64 & 32-bit IE installed. using one does not preclude the other. Macromedia is working on Flash for x64 but for now you’ll have to use the 32-bit browser that comes with WinXp x64.

    Otehr drivers can be found at http://www.planetamd64.com
    (unabashed plug)

    Take care,


  2. Bree

    Please help. I have been trying to install Flash Player for days now and cannot make it work. I am an administrator and I have tried all of the trouble shooting suggested by Macromedia. The problem started after our computer tech. hurridly transfered my entire profile to another user account and deleted my old one. Before then I had no problem with Flash content. Also I have not been able to install the google toolbar. Help!

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