The windows mySQL setup will not work on my XP Pro machine.
I ran setup from the Windows mySQL (mysql-4.0.20a-win) and it ran, installed files in C:\mysql, but running C:\mysql\bin\winmysqladmin.exe gives me this error: the application has failed to start because LIBMYSQL.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

This is in a Windows error box with the title bar displaying: “winmysqladmin.exe – Unable to loacte component”
Reinstalled it. Nope. Same deal. What’s missing here? Why doesn’t a “Windows” install correctly install the component?

This is one of those times when I say to myself: “How in the world does the open source community expect to make much of a dent in the windows world if they can’t get their wonderfuyl features in front of windows developers? Doesn’t it seem reasonable to expect a WINDOWS install to at least install a copy that will RUN? Why is the component “missing”? What is the install for?

I am a ready and willing convert. Actually, I don’t even need to be converted. I just need a little “meeting half way”. Not even half way. Just part of the way, like…..the install so I can see and run the thing.

OK, so I MANUALLY copy the missing dll to the windows\system 32 directory. Boom, the mysqladmin tool pops up. Now would it have been that hard to have the install program do that for me? I mean , its not hard to do that, but why make me do that? It irritates me to no end to see such “neglect”. There is not going to be a toppliing of Windows client usage anytime soon. That includes developers like me who are reasonably capable. Get it RUNNING for me, show me the features, and I will be MOTIVATED to get geeky on it as I learn it, but don’t throw obstacles in my way.

2 Replies to “mySQL”

  1. Kev

    Either copy it to system32 or add the path that the dll gets installed to. C:\MySQL\lib\opt

    Yes the installation utility SHOULD HAVE DONE IT. Most people that use PCs are brain dead anyway, you cant expect a normal person to know this.

  2. nate

    Same problem here. no matter where I paste that DLL the app won’t find it. I’ve installed it before, there is something in this install that is making it look in some odd area. Is there a my.cnf entry for this? I would agree that the windows installs of mysql are lousy. 99 percent of the people even the pros at give out the wrong advice.

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