Baseball Online Too Costly

I don’t know about others, but from the almost complete absence of “people I know” who actually pay for this stuff at these prices, I assume that MLB’s attempts to make a business out of offering “online MLB live games” has been a dismal failure. I used to listen to WLW via their website, now MLB doesn’t allow them to do so. They want to charge $14.95 to listen to the games , and a whopping 14.95 a month for video.

Now I’m a huge baseball fan. But something just doesn’t work for me here It seems they need more “try before you buy”, on ALL features, and make this available every month (like 1 day per feature…or 12 hours……something.) Nothing like “whetting the appetitite” for luring paying customers. It seems to me that MLB could also offer free radio broadcasts for one team, and use that avenue to market directly to baseball fanatics and also for Team focus and items of interest to THAT team (including deals on tickets for going to the games, or for subscribing to things like Extra Innnings…and vice-versa.

With me being in Nashville, and my team (the Reds) being in Cincinnati, I used to love being able to listen to the WLW radio broadcasts, and I would be doing that alongside whatever else I’m doing in my office. Now that broadband is “in”, the offerings and tie-ins would be unlimited. Right now, it’s all too mysterious and too steep for what we can “experience” of it.

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