Education and Liberal/Conservative Approaches

Continuing with the theme of the previous post where Al Mohler is complaining, or attempting to poke fun at whathe perceives as “hypoctrisy” at Duke in their representation of “Conservatives” on their faculty: Robert Brandon, chair of the philosophy department, observes:

“Conservatives are about indoctrination, not education”.

That’s sort of my take on it as well, although there are conservatives who don’t fall prey to that….but sadly, they often do. It seems to be a requirement that signifies how deeply you believe. Part of that belief system seems to require that other conclusions come from the realm of the demonic; suggestions of Satan to deter us from the important stuff. Then Mohler goes on to accuse the “Liberals” of indoctrinating intents, which is , I suppose, often the case , as with any “learning institution”. But it is also the case that efforts to persuade are always perceived by opposing viewpoints as “indoctrination” and the “real truth” is being taught by the “good guys”.

I can only go back to earlier years, in pre-1980 years, before The Southern Baptist conservative takeover, when one could find, at places like Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a place that Mohler (ironically) should have found an ideal representation of what he seems to advancing as “fair representation”. The irony in that is that he is the “transplant” of the SBC Leadership charged with ridding Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of all of the “liberal elements”. It seems he has pretty much achieved that goal. What he lambasts Duke for, he has fully implemented on the conservative side at Southern Seminary, and seeks to “syndicate” throughout the Southern Baptist Convention.

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