Fun with Trackback

Funny thing just happened (I guess it’s funny if you’re geeky enough to have struggled with and used this feature)……I noticed that a link I had pointing to Chris hammond’s post about his new project cDotText, registered a trackback on his blog, which is a dottext blog. I thought, “Hey, why does HIS blog successfully register trackbacks and mine doesn’t. So I asked him in a comment under my trackback listing. Then I tried a test on mine gain for the first time in about a month, and Wala! It worked! Then I saw Scott’s home page, where he mentioned that he was testing my trackbacks (which will now show up under his entry as a trackback. I wish more people availed themselves of this. I think it’s a neat way to converse, and give each other credit and let others know we’re listening when we react.

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