Churches are bungling the Blog Possibilities

I’ve expressed it in so many ways. The Churches are largely clueless about the nature of the Web. They are SOOOO missing the boat on the “conversation”. Is it REALLY the case that “two or three gathered” is NOT at all a possibility on the Web in the sense that God might be there “among them”? It’s not face-to-face, but although its different and new, it certainly “channels” certain personal elements, and even introduces new, and potentially powerful and benefical elements. We are, in a large sense, without Biblical precedent on this one. There was nothing like the Web in the days of the Biblical writers. We’re kind of on our own, armed only with a new vision of what can be brought by the Church, to the web, and what needs to be communicated, and what kind of communication is and can be taking place there.

4 Replies to “Churches are bungling the Blog Possibilities”

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  3. Dale Lature

    Dear blogging teen,

    I would agree that evangelism is a worthy blogging end if we specify that the “evangelism” we are talking about is not of the “tract” variety; in other words, I don’t think too highly of the concept of blogging with an ulterior motive of adding notches to our belt; but instead, as a tool to express what is important to us.

    To me, evangelism is , as it literally means, “tell the good news”, and this is a separate story for each of us. It is not, as I see it, a set of 4 spirtual laws (even though I see the truth of these as they are usually listed, they do not seem to me to be universally effective; in fact, they seem contrived in most cases; if our “sharing of our own good news is not done, then no “generic” proclamation would, in my estimation, be likely to “produce” postive results. People don’t care what you know, they want to know that you care. And to do that, you must connect with their story first. I like blogging becuase not only can I read the refelctions of others, but I can also hjave the opportunity (and the expectation from my audience, however small, that I am going to be attempting to describe where I’ve been , what I think of that, what I see happening out there, a dn what I’d like to see. If anybody “connects” with any of that, then I have a much better shot at helping that person, if I have any “help” to offer at all, even if that is simply identifying with them and dialogue-ing with them. The beautiful thing about blogs is that they are EXPECTED to be a vehicle for some level of self-revelation, if only on the level of opinions offered. Some blogs get more personal than others.

    I believve that the Church could be offering a variety of “levels” and “types” of Blogs; ones that describe our concept of our missions, ones that allow us to describe our personal calls and vocations, and ones which attempt to help us put our heads together and collaborate on what our Church means to us, what we’d like to see, etc.

    Anyway, there’s my 2 cents.

    Thanks for commenting


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