Anchors in Trackbacks?

A question just posed itself to me: Is it possible to embed an anchor (the in a trackback, so that the destination link will know exactly where in the referring document the link has been made? This seems to me to be a key feature of helping the Web to become more supportive of Emergent attributes (Johnson refers to the Web as lacking two-way feedback, a nd I thought of trackbacks as heading in that direction. I just made a link, in my previous post, to an old article of mine on “The Cosmic Christ” , and thought it would be most helpful if the article’s trackback could point back to the actual place in my new post where this link happened. The reader of the old article would then be able to see not only the specific place, but also be plopped down right in the middle of the context of the discussion. Seems to me this is a key feature of the dialogue we want on the Web (at least I do)

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