Detoxing from Culture

From the interview mentioned in the previous post, Gordon Cosby says is at the heart of conversion:

Sin has very little meaning to the average modern mind, so I use the expression, “Detoxification from the culture” to describe what we really mean by sin—sin being the inability to transcend ourselves and to live for others. What the Bible really means by sin is that we are addicted to the values of the world, the systems of the world. Jesus said that if we stay with the world’s systems, the way the world views life, it leads to death. The realm of God which Jesus embodies and which he describes in the Beatitudes is the way that he says leads to life. We are so addicted to the culture that we don’t even know it. We don’t even know that we need detoxification. We don’t know that we need an intensive recovery program!

It is an attribute so appallingly lacking from the quality of life in our Churches. So much “civil religion”, consumerism, privelleged lifestyle glorification; clothed in “spiritual adoration” that sometimes I wonder who it really is that they (the Churches) are adoring.

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