COS and the Web

The Church of the Saviour (now named as the various communities of mission thathave grown out of it and exist as “separately named” but spirtually descendent of the original Church in 1947) NEEDS the Web and all of its “reach” to help the continued PUBLISHING of its resources.

So much of what is produced from its life and members that would be invauluable resource to the ministry of other Churches is not available because of what is required to publish, especialy in the widest of distribution channels.

The Web, a nd the Weblog, provide a way to “get the Word out” , especially to those who take the initiative to find help and resources. Search tools more widely link otherwise disparate and disconnected resources. A new collaboration is highly possible. When I see the breadth and relevance brought to the Church by the experience and CALLINGS from within the COS community of faith, I see a body of past work and ongoing work that is REQUIRED to help the Church fulfill its call. It’s REQUIRED because it is something which would expand the effectiveness and the REACH of the Church, and therefore REQUIRED for full stewardship of the available resources from which the Church has to draw.

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