My own thirst is evidence

My previous post about how COS needs their story told more widely, and that the Web (by inference) would make a wonderful channel with which to expand the reach of this story, leads me to the observation that I know the story is important becuase I constantly long for more stuff to read about it. I further long for people with whom to explore this issue of what Church means, and how to be a community focused on this. Not only focused on the CONCEPT of Church, but on the ACTIONS and EMBODIMENTS of Church. It is basically the INWARD JOURNEY/ OUTWARD JOURNEY balance they have explored at COS for 55 years.

The Web makes a revolutionary literary container/channel for things of the COS community. Just as Elizabeth O’Connor was called to be a “historian” of the COS journey, and applied her gifts of writing to the chronicle of the first 50 years of COS, it is my dream to be involved in the next 50 years of COS stories and make the conversation a part of that. Blogs, forums, books and resources databases, and links between all of these. The Amazon Books story (which is now, with its many partner vendors) suggests that there can be similar “aggregators” of resources in the Church culture, making available a diverse set of resources, conversations, and discussions, and the stories of the ministries of all the communities who gather at this “portal” for Christian community.

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