On looking at the Sweet’s

On looking at the Sweet’s blog (see last night’s post) , however,  it looks to be in testing mode,  and is backwards chronologically from the standard blog (but,  as I said,  he’s testing,  but since 5/12/2001?  It appears to be a forgotten area,  which makes one wonder why it’s even accessible online.  I hope this changes,  because I would be interested in seeing Dr. Sweet’s blogging,  to see where he goes with it.

United Theological Seminary is on my “Balcony People” list of influential people,  for it was there,  in 1990-91 that I began to form the idea of networking theological community,  through working with the video production computing equipment,  doing videoconferencing,  and being a student of Ken Bedell and Dennis Benson.   Ken is still someone I call from time to time —and frequently email

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