Smart Mobs: Games straddling online and physical spaces

Smart Mobs has this entry on games that “use” the online world and the physical world,  suggesting to me that there may well be some interesting Online Community implications,  and also perhaps for Online Education,  as ftf classrooms and online classrooms meet

Virtual World, Street, Mix It Up In Mobile Game. Uncle Roy All Around You sets online players alongside players on the streets of London.

Street Players search for Uncle Roy through the back streets, the tourist traps and the leafy boulevards of Westminster with a handheld computer.

Online Players cruise through a virtual model of the same area, searching for the Street Players and looking for leads that will help them find Uncle Roy.

Using web cams, audio and text messages players must work together.

They have 60 minutes and the clock is ticking… [Smart Mobs]

Webcams,  hooked up via WiFi,  live from classrooms?  “Blogging” class notes, class discussions,  etc.  The possibilities “stream” in. 


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