Many voices back historic climate accord https://t…
Many voices back historic climate accord via @UMC @UMNS. Also a word from @BillMcKibben
Many voices back historic climate accord via @UMC @UMNS. Also a word from @BillMcKibben
I liked a @YouTube video from @GBCSUMC Day Fifteen at COP21: Methodist Voices
So here (also shown below), on UMNS’s Facebook page, they posted an article “News Poll:Top 2015 stories” , polling UM Communications workers, and Climate didn’t make the top 5. And I commented that this is symptomatic of the problem of neglect (and dare I say, “repression”; pushing such realities out of view and only bringing them up when it is Continue Reading
RT @billmckibben: We’ve got a 1.5 degree target, and a 3.5 degree plan. So, let’s get to work
I commented under the article (and on the Facebook post linking to it on UMNS Facebook page). We gotta get the church talking about this!
News poll: Racism voted top 2015 story | The United Methodist Church #UMC // Climate crisis? Anyone?
.@NaomiAKlein: On the negotiations in Paris, TPP, and the madness of destroying our habitat via @YouTube
I liked a @YouTube video Naomi Klein: «Pendant la COP, les négociations commerciales se poursuivent»
Hmmmm…power has ALMOST gone down a couple of times in the past minute (it flickered but stayed on)
.@NaomiAKlein: The Redlines that were crossed by the Paris accords – YouTube
Image from website “Reviving Creation” via @margaretbj2 Great verse for Ecotheology
Image from website “Reviving Creation” via @margaretbj2 Great verse for Ecotheology
We can hope the “Paris [accord] turns into a floor & not a ceiling for action” due to the Climate movement…
“To meet that 1.5° target now would require breakneck action of a kind most nations aren’t really contemplating.” – @BillMcKibben (same NYT)
.@BillMcKibben: “pact reached in Paris feels, in a lot of ways, like an ambitious agreement designed for about 1995”