@dlturn so what was it THIS TIME that caused you t…
@dlturn so what was it THIS TIME that caused you to UNFOLLOW me?
@dlturn so what was it THIS TIME that caused you to UNFOLLOW me?
Todd Frazier @FlavaFraz21 wins NL Third base start vote! As it should be!
The value of the lesser elements are found in the level of participation in the Kingdom realities
All “systems of man” whether they be called Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, or Humanism are less than The Kingdom of God, the true justice
Just completed my first reading of the #encyclical of #PopeFrancis published June 2015 #LaudatoSi #OnCareForOurCommonHome Amen & Amen!
prev post: that IRRESPONSIBILITY is a flagrant, destructive, EVIL response to some rather dire scientific warnings about probable effects
to feel “safer” and “less urgent” about Climate crisis with “further in future” estimates of when worse effects will happen is IRRESPONSIBLE
Ironic that right wingers see so many political moves as “signs of end times”, while glibly dismissing Climate Crisis (a REAL “end times”)
Are we trying so hard to “survive” as institutions that we neglect to join the fight for our survival/coping as a human civilization?
so why haven’t other large church bodies/denominations come out with such an extensive theological treatise on Climate Crisis as Pope did?
still struggling to find good WordPress YOuTube plugin to replace the two I had been using until they quit working due to API changes
@Hootsuite_Help ok. thanks for supper fast reply!
@Hootsuite_Help not sure what “other issue”…just one issue….Hootsuite window was never connecting…now it is
David Suzuki: No social justice without climate action via @ourwindsoron http://t.co/rDhvx4VPTh // EcoJustice = Social Justice
@Hootsuite_Help no error messages…but after reconnecting both twitter accounts, Hootsuite now opens when I click the “Hootlet” button