@ColtsFan254 yeah, & Iwonder why, given your “…
@ColtsFan254 yeah, & Iwonder why, given your “hands off” conclusion derived from “only God will save us” as if that didnt involve our agency
@ColtsFan254 yeah, & Iwonder why, given your “hands off” conclusion derived from “only God will save us” as if that didnt involve our agency
@ColtsFan254 I mean the second “reference” to rapture
@ColtsFan254 what you said there is true but I derive quite a different approach from it, due to what I think it actually means
@ColtsFan254 slippery slope to checking out of responsible community and the common good
@ColtsFan254 what’s the other aside from Paul’s “caught up in the clouds”? I forget from my Hal Lindsey reading days
@ColtsFan254 no, these are conflated by people looking for “end times clues” in places without regard to their context (“Chain reference”)
@ColtsFan254 OK, and why wouldn’t you be if God has some kind of cosmic force field around the earth to keep us from harming it?
@ColtsFan254 “rapture” is completely based on ONE verse, and a bad , detached hermeneutic at that; and “escape” is not the meaning of it
@ColtsFan254 what you miss there is that the City comes to earth, not “raptured” away from earth.
@ColtsFan254 escapist irreponsibility. We are tied to creation. NO “rapture” to absolve us from it.
@ColtsFan254 “Ice Age”” is one of the top “denier” urban myths. Read http://t.co/Og91Occaqb
@ColtsFan254 would you decide to be skeptical if it was your life on the line?
@ColtsFan254 how many 2nd opinions would you seek before you figured it was time to act? 9 of 10 be enough?
@ColtsFan254 like I said earlier, inconsistent but “convenient” application of our sense and trust in scientific specialties
@ColtsFan254 we already have 97 out of a 100 “second opinions”