@ColtsFan254 propaganda works in the dark best, d…
@ColtsFan254 propaganda works in the dark best, disguised as “common sense” and aided by the media
@ColtsFan254 propaganda works in the dark best, disguised as “common sense” and aided by the media
@ColtsFan254 you may not have “heard of them” but they are responsible for how our media present a “balanced” , “unsettled science” view
@ColtsFan254 like I said; ideologically planted in the “Gospel of Wealth”, like so many Americans who fuse Faith and Freemarket Capitalism
@ColtsFan254 http://t.co/PH01DjzKr9
@ColtsFan254 this is what makes this a real battle of political will to see things for what they are…money and lifestyle motivate ideology
@ColtsFan254 at the behest of global extraction corporations. Way too naive on the power of money on good ol’ US based companies
@ColtsFan254 this picking out of positives (which by the way, benefit who the most, and destroy habitat and livelihoods of how many more?)
@ColtsFan254 ignores the massive injustices done to indigenous and poor people who have been victims of extraction & resulting destruction
@ColtsFan254 seems you’ve really bought in to that ideology. That’s what keeps denial going, and the fossil fuel interests love it.
@ColtsFan254 their true investment in renewables belie their “commitment”
@ColtsFan254 as does nearly everything (so claim the biggest benefactors) when there’s a buck to be made from it
@ColtsFan254 “Merchants of Doubt” traces origins of “anti-science” campaigns by Tobacco industry and their tactics to today’s fight vs GW
@ColtsFan254 not all conservatives; not even political people, but money interests (Fossil Fuel Industry, who have been caught in the act)
@ColtsFan254 “The Daily” was the name of Murdoch’s iPad based newspaper; that’s apparently stuck in my mind
@ColtsFan254 ok, guess I conflated one conservative dominated news with another. Principle is the same , though. Help spread denial