@Hootsuite_Help the main problem is removal of “sh…
@Hootsuite_Help the main problem is removal of “share selected text via Hootlet” functionality…my main reason for using Hootlet
@Hootsuite_Help the main problem is removal of “share selected text via Hootlet” functionality…my main reason for using Hootlet
@Hootsuite_Help but why cripple posts to Twitter when I;m not posting to Facebook?
I have been using @Hootsuite and Hootlet right click to select quotes to tweet from an article or web page…can no longer do that!
@Hootlet has just massively maimed the functionaity of the Hootlet plugin. Can no longer see what it’s posting to twitter &removed “select”
@Hootsuite_Help the functionality now offers LESS than the actual web page’s own share links. This is NO GOOD and a big step backward
@Hootsuite_Help HORRIBLE solution. Totally cripples the Hootlet plugin for most purposes
@Hootsuite_Help this removes my need for Hootlet, since right click and select is the purpose. Otherwise i can just use shares on page
@Hootsuite_Help and I may not WANT the title in the post. Helps if I can see it before I post it…sort of a deal breaker, actually
@Hootsuite_Help but it’s helpful to see it in the Hootlet window so I know what’s going in
@Hootsuite_Help but I’ve not selected Facebook in Hootlet…just a couple of Twitter accounts
@ColtsFan254 just saw that tweet, so I had to “correct” the science
@ColtsFan254 nowhere near the extent which it has over past 300 years, and then even more so, the past 40
@Hootsuite_Help noticed that title and link also do not appear but get posted when I submit
“white Christians drag their feet on climate as no other group acc.to polls” Climate Change and Mainline Protestants http://t.co/crcTUTYhRs
@HootSuite_Help looks like the right click “Share selected text via Hootlet” is not working again.Window pops up but without selected txt