@ColtsFan254 “but a sounds good”?
@ColtsFan254 “but a sounds good”?
@ColtsFan254 “but a sounds good”?
as I often do when there’s lots of lightning, I unplugged cable and modem and router, turned off computers, fired up laptop and phone tether
Fossil fuel industry must ‘implode’ to avoid climate disaster, says top scientist http://t.co/IRCSaXXxe4
@ColtsFan254 http://t.co/C9RSoO4uvP
Rather, it should be considered an integral part of “The Great Commission” as we seek to be a church in the Anthopocene
Let us not allow this to become a point of great O-mission
Our churches should be generating ministries of “Eco-Mission”
From yesterday’s blog “10-13 things to do as an ecological steward” – Re: “Stay educated on Climate issues” http://t.co/aMuWmHq8LT updated
“[Climate Change] is not a standalone issue. It cuts across all we do. http://t.co/pxTqnQoUsN Archbishop pf Canterbury
Would love to know what you think of this Blog post: Top (10 or 13) Things To Do As An Ecological Steward http://t.co/TYHVtteqqk
“we must face that reality and use our networks to address that issue” – Archbishop of Canterbury, part 2 of previous quote
“Climate change is both a driver of conflict and a victim of conflict”-Archbishop Canterbury http://t.co/8fUO9xtHq1
Trump’s mouth is too big for his foot NOT to fall into it.
Scott Walker wants to set himself up as the “anti-Obama”. Now there’s a unique GOP stance.
@Hootsuite_Help yes, please. thanks for the quick response. Yes, it seems only to appear in Hootsuite client stream