@2TVolts do you have a Google account?
@2TVolts do you have a Google account?
@2TVolts do you have a Google account?
@2TVolts my only option was to try to look you up.
@2TVolts The UMC comments policies are atrocious, taking 24-48 hours to approve each post, and closing comments on articles after 7 days
@2TVolts Hi Terry, are you the same person who responded to my comment on that UMC News article re: UMC and the Climate Crisis?
Inside the Science of Climate Change by The Elephant (podcast) via #soundcloud http://t.co/z1Ty2RJqp2 w/ @MichaelEMann
Inside the Science of Climate Change by The Elephant via #soundcloud https://t.co/DgXwWHmnK4
Elephant Podcast: Climate Change leading up to Paris. 1st 2: @BillMcKibben of @350, Tim Flannery @MichaelEMann http://t.co/JBAjs2SuyX
When I say “jammin’” , I am referring to “EcoTheologizing”… We need to be articulating our theology for for the Anthropocene
I love all this jammin’ on the Encyclical over the past month! Churches need to join in the jammin’
Blog: A new conceiving of “Mission†for our crisis situation http://t.co/eqINQOQUqx #occupytheology
Ecological Economics : June 6, 2015 at @PandoPopulus “Economics for the Anthropocene”: http://t.co/4aTzaGmbns via @YouTube
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/4aTzaGmbns Ecological Economics : June 6, 2015 at @PandoPopulus “Economics for the
I tweeted these three tweets out to my 3 Twitter accounts yesterday, and again just a few minutes ago. Our churches should be generating ministries of “Eco-Mission” Let us not allow this to become a point of great O-mission Rather, it should be considered an integral part of “The Great Commission” as we seek to be a church in the Continue Reading
Blog post: A new conceiving of “Mission” for our crisis situation: http://t.co/1BURjfmowK
Rather, it should be considered an integral part of “The Great Commission” as we seek to be a church in the Anthopocene