I assume no more Ebola patients will be getting tr…
I assume no more Ebola patients will be getting treated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Sheesh. http://t.co/0tJ6Rdb9XW
I assume no more Ebola patients will be getting treated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Sheesh. http://t.co/0tJ6Rdb9XW
Just discovered online MP3 recordings of sermons at Church of the Saviour back to 1952 http://t.co/BKdK4OT8rx Gordon Cosby treasure trove
Blog: “mourn with those who mourn†@FaithInFerguson via Medium #FergusonTheology http://t.co/NlPxd6u6JN #occupytheology
Blog post:”mourn with those who mourn” @FaithInFerguson via Medium #FergusonTheology: http://t.co/jL0UvUCUXA
Theology for the tragedy of unjust and unwarranted violence Saint Paul tells us just this, “mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoiceâ€. It is in bearing one another’s heartache that we are moved towards justice and compassion. But if in the midst of suffering and grief we emerge unchanged, clothed not in resurrected newness, then we’ve failed Continue Reading
The final chapter…..what a book! @NaomiAKlein did it again. #theShockDoctrine & now @ThisChanges “THE RIGHT… http://t.co/22uSTWgb8s
Going To War For God? Ctd « The Dish http://t.co/12Mwu1FCjO good quotes found by @Sullyview w/ which I have only minor quibbles
I am deathly afraid of the Ebola virus, voter fraud & the knockout game. Climate change, decaying infrastructure & gun violence not so much.
Impressively readable…ominously revealing….but cautiously hopeful..@ThisChanges Everything is a truly worthwhile read
That last quote could well be what the earth is saying to us http://t.co/qgjuHyvaUL
““Stop calling me resilient. I’m not resilient. Because every time you say, ‘Oh, they’re resilient,’ you can … http://t.co/E8cQLO4ICH
Our shared mess could be cleaned up: “much of the cost does not need to come from regular taxpayers; it can an… http://t.co/m5pzDdfKVx
This is our unique opportunity..given the responsibility that knowledge implies “today’s polluters know full w… http://t.co/4DFmv2JOUs
“wealthy countries do not just need to help the Global South move to a low-emissions economic path because it… http://t.co/LQX9SlfzNv
Blog: Up next: The Religion of the “Religion-less†http://t.co/tVIVturcip #occupytheology