US attorney launches civil rights investigation in…
US attorney launches civil rights investigation into Michael Brown case //fully expect strong words, few consequences
US attorney launches civil rights investigation into Michael Brown case //fully expect strong words, few consequences
@HootSuite_Help it just started working again….somebody fixed it or restarted something
@HootSuite_Help so what next? I am logged into Facebook via Hootsuite and all works except making new post
@HootSuite_Help yes
@HootSuite_Help also posted a comment from within Hootsuite, but cannot create post…please fix…apparently on your end
@HootSuite_Help Can also “Like” a wall post from within Hootsuite that I posted via my Facebook login on my browser..but cannot do new post
@HootSuite_Help get “Unable to send” even though I am logged in to Hootsuite and it shows and loads new posts from streams…cannot post
@HootSuite_Help I can load my Facebook streams in Hootsuite , but I cannot post. Keeps giving me the error
@dlturn sure you arent thinking Hannity? or was he on both?
@HootSuite_Help also tried another browser…same problem…it’s broken
@HootSuite_Help did that already…no change
! RT @AntDeRosa: St. Louis police removed from #Ferguson by governor