What US state has the fastest Internet speed? http…
What US state has the fastest Internet speed? http://t.co/V3CBfv70UQ
What US state has the fastest Internet speed? http://t.co/V3CBfv70UQ
thanks to @HootSuite_Help for getting me on right track via their support team
2/2 which made it appear to algorithms that I was spamming when I was actually quoting different parts of same story (so link was included)
looks like @Hootsuite problem solved. Seems similar to same reason Twitter had throttled me due to posting multiple instances of a link 1/2
RT @maddow: Need a good backgrounder on why Rick Perry just got indicted? @SteveKornacki to the rescue! http://t.co/X2I932GOoi
RT @jayrosen_nyu: First time reading the news stories about Rick Perry’s indictment, I have no idea what it’s really about or what it…
RT @chrislhayes: I have not talked to a single black resident here who has confidence in McCulloch to investigate and prosecute this case.
RT @jeczaja: 1% wasn’t satisfied with pushing people off the trapeze. Now they want to destroy the safety net. #GOP
RT @MaddowApp: Gov. Rick Perry of Texas Is Indicted on Charge of Abuse of Power http://t.co/qogU92S6qa #Maddow
back home now and @Hootsuite still not facing to Facebook.
RT @allisonkilkenny: What other murderer gets escorted out-of-state by police, who then withhold information from reporters and the public?
The #Ferguson police chief has endangered #PeaceInFerguson and someone should take his microphone away. Let the big boys handle this now.
Ferguson PD able to put together a 16 page report on misdemeanor theft but nothing yet on the murder that took place same day? Oh.
You post a photo of a big black dude looming over a little white man and hope fear makes people forget a cop killed an unarmed black kid
RT @ShrillCosby: Ferguson police dropped the name then threw that robbery like a smoke bomb and tried to disappear.