RT @TPM: Ferguson extends curfew for second night:…
RT @TPM: Ferguson extends curfew for second night: http://t.co/oEz8xOWNjP
RT @TPM: Ferguson extends curfew for second night: http://t.co/oEz8xOWNjP
RT @jeremyscahill “Trailer for new @NaomiAKlein book, “This Changes Everything:” …” http://t.co/ZlAItlhngv
RT @radleybalko “Talking police militarization on MSNBC at 1:10 pm ET.”
Just followed @radleybalko author of The Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, 2013 book ;newly relevant
Even I as a cable subscriber who gets @CNN on my channel lineup cannot see ENTIRE segments, and I can on nearly every other network. #FAIL
Really don’t understand why @CNN wouldnt want to have good segments out there available to see as in THE ENTIRE SEGMENT. #OldWorldMedia
RT @iJesseWilliams MT @April_Davis: @iJesseWilliams on @CNN re: #MikeBrown in #Ferguson. http://t.co/31ygH3n1Uw
RT @iJesseWilliams a piece (damn i’m tired) MT @April_Davis: @iJesseWilliams on @CNN re: #MikeBrown in #Ferguson. http://t.co/31ygH3n1Uw
Instead of citing black on black crime without noting most crimes are intra-racial, try listening. One upping each other is unproductive.
To those who accuse me of not writing about senseless deaths of non-blacks, there’s this tool–Google. Use it, then find another tree.
RT @RobertMackey “Advice for Ferguson’s Protesters From MidEast links2 @jeremyscahill re: police milit’ztn in 03” http://t.co/TALBxQ9sdh
RT @jeremyscahill “If they changed the name to Fergustan, the Obama admin might intervene”
If they changed the name to Fergustan, the Obama admin might intervene
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces http://t.co/rSQdz4dTJg relevant all the more now due to #Ferguson
If Gov. Nixon had done HIS job on this in the first place, he wouldn’t NEED to be so dependent on “parallel investigation”. #YouBlewItBuddy