RT @jbouie: Barack Obama is either very tired, doe…
Barack Obama is either very tired, doesn’t believe a single word he’s saying re: Michael Brown, or both.
Barack Obama is either very tired, doesn’t believe a single word he’s saying re: Michael Brown, or both.
Again, I know that President Obama isn’t Malcolm X and that he can’t say everything that’s on his mind, there’s just something missing.
RT @TPM: John Oliver blasts #Ferguson police: Let’s take their “f*cking toys” back (VIDEO) http://t.co/o0aPQg0ezi http://t.co/ARRoLehUHZ
ppl saying “shows hands were not up” Absolutely NOTHING “shows” that. Everyone already drawing conclusions on released statement.(eye roll)
National Guard headed to #Ferguson. Gov, Nixon an impotent leader. But typical of local, state and federal leadership.
RT @ezraklein: You should watch HBO’s John Oliver on #Ferguson: http://t.co/bBFcP8T44N
Obama “has not lost confidence in gov. Nixon” Maybe that’s one reason why the American people have and/or are losing confidence in him
Police supporters reading autopsy as evidence that MB “charged” the officer. #Ferguson
RT @sawngbyrd28: This is what happened at McDonald’s while y’all claim people were looting @CNN #Ferguson http://t.co/j9WSBp9aZ8
RT @ezraklein: #Ferguson police to reporter: “Get the fuck out of here and get that light off, or you’re getting shot with this 
.@CharlesMBlow same way all aggressors do: “It’s the fault of those who put those children there as human shields” aka Israel vs Gaza
RT @PzFeed: Autopsy expert on CNN says shots that hit inside of arm and hand are consistent with a man with arms up in style of…
the twitter racist and/or pseudo-conservative trolls are infesting the #Ferguson stream
RT @GregMitch: NYT with first report on autopsy–Brown hit by at least 6 shots. http://t.co/5nqmmCFb2H #Ferguson
RT @JeffSharlet: Time magazine gets out of Ferguson. Cop threatens to shoot Argus Radio livestreamer. He stays. #realjournalism…