Even if actual fact was that there’s been at least…
Even if actual fact was that there’s been at least 1, media keeps mentioning it & continue to do so absent verification by eyewitnesses
Even if actual fact was that there’s been at least 1, media keeps mentioning it & continue to do so absent verification by eyewitnesses
With the number of times media lists that as “going on”, it would seem that SOMEONE on the ground would give an eyewitness account.
Chris Hayes asked people last night if they had seen any Molotov cocktails. Said “no”. I have yet to hear anyone give an eyewitness account
I wish that masses of people would descend on #Ferguson….would the reaction to that be to threaten the crowd with yet another escalation?
Talk about symbolism: #Ferguson protests are near grave of ex-slave Dred Scott, whose case helped fuel U.S. Civil War http://t.co/UBeNnLO6Uw
RT @britrican “i do not want to hear about the expense of dash cams while #ferguson police deploy an LRAD and endless amounts of tear gas.”
1st amendment , Tear Gas, latter seems designed to prevent the exercise of the former #Ferguson #Ridiculous #IneptAtServingAndProtecting
Jake Tapper Goes Off on @CNN re: Police Reaction in Ferguson: ‘This Doesn’t Make Any Sense!’ via @mediaite http://t.co/p956Hs1l0B
These #ferguson “law enforcement” tactics are designed to constrict & corner and provoke reaction to give them “permission” to “take action”
RT @jbouie: I still can’t get over these cops who are lifting guns at people like they’ve never done a lick of firearms training.
RT @pdacosta: Courageous community leaders in #Ferguson stand between protesters and heavily-armed security forces http://t.co/JlzT1dWt9c
It’s becoming increasingly clear the militarized police in #Ferguson are the provocateurs there. Everyone @MSNBC talks to corroborates this
.@ChrisLHayes remarking how something happened all of a sudden and one protester said “nothing happened, the cops just charged”.
It seems strange that each night SOMETHING happens that nobody sees and all of a sudden the police are advancing and tear gassing #ferguson
“Peace begets peace and violence begets violence…hard to keep a people at peace that are being provoked” -Community activist Paul Muhammad