.@HilliconValley well, now isn’t that Special?
.@HilliconValley well, now isn’t that Special?
.@HilliconValley well, now isn’t that Special?
Being from TN, I am free to vote my real conscience, since anything that hints of maybe smelling left-ish doesnt stand a chance. #OWS
I am sure I won’t vote for any Democrat this election unless it be Warren or someone amazingly to the left (the REAL left). (TN resident)
I would be for Elizabeth Warren in a heartbeat if she runs. Clinton has always been a corporate leaning centrist. Not what we need. #OWS
Feeling particularly ornery today. Don’t get me started!
One would think with all the fascination with “Chelsea’s baby” that we were England and Clintons are royalty. Enough already. (Fat chance)
If we keep choosing leaders who “tack toward the center” when running, we’ll continue to uphold the same status quo that’s doing us no good.
@Reds lose thanks to horrible base coaching. NEVER make the first out of an inning at home. cc: @MisterRedlegs. Also Hoover failing us big
Never Ever make the first at at home. Ever. Dumb move @Reds. Cost a run at least.
Anything more than that, and it can spoil the whole script through corrupting of the story. (see prev posts about story)
Re; Prev tweet: And that’s far from the “greatest one”, but only a small piece as but one way to tell “The Greatest Story Ever Told”
That “great stories deserve embellishment” of Tolkein is aptly applied to theological issues and the Bible.Noah and the flood, for one.
My former teacher & still friend, Dennis Benson, shared his delight in a quote from Tolkein: “The greatest stories deserve embellishment”
Yeah, people. We KNOW that income inequality is NOT NEW. The key is getting people to not only talk about it but actually REACT and mobilize
Thomas Piketty Undermines the Hallowed Tenets of the Capitalist Catechism http://t.co/ezlkweA5Dm #OWS #OccupyTheology