I’m loving the new Fargo TV series. Really good a…
I’m loving the new Fargo TV series. Really good acting and plot(s)
I’m loving the new Fargo TV series. Really good acting and plot(s)
Prev Tweet/post came to mind when I saw this article title on @VoxDotCom http://t.co/etNc5OzJqS by @mattyglesias
@dlturn no idea what that means
Why isn’t Bundy a “Taker”? Seems to be a classic case for the typical right-wing conservative, and yet….
LOL…Colbert reply to “yes I’m an agnostic” : “Isn’t that just an atheist without balls?” Colbert is great with these things.
RT @elizabethforma: Growing up with 3 big brothers, I learned: you get what you fight for. #tbt http://t.co/XBZu23WibR
RT @freepress: Stop the FCC from Breaking the Internet: http://t.co/BpyXb4XlKy
That Puts the F in the FCC http://t.co/tcXn5Qlnah This Week in Google 4/23/14
Chris Hayes extended interview w/ economist, Thomas Piketty re:most important economic writing of our decade. http://t.co/Z0SPUsP1fJ
Tell the FCC that selling fast lanes to big corporations is NOT what we mean by Net Neutrality via @dweinberger http://t.co/GgWk4XJ3aq
@dlturn indeed what makes 1 “ready” IS the q’tn & there’s numerous things to be offered on that score. ANY have SOMETHING to do w/ that
FCC Tells Internet To Chill, Denies That It Will Kill Net Neutrality http://t.co/Dz3HmxfHV0 // Again, BS, FCC
@dlturn no idea what youre talking about; What distortion is taking place by who saying what? Again, leaving twitter usefulness here
@dlturn I did speak to her experience…that being experience in actively working against financial corruption and inequality…key skills
No candidate ever ” ready” for EVERYTHING. Thats why they have advisors and a cabinet. Most important is to tackle biggest problems headon