Three Handy Android Apps for Customizing Your Noti…
Three Handy Android Apps for Customizing Your Notifications Bar | Gadget Lab | WIRED
Three Handy Android Apps for Customizing Your Notifications Bar | Gadget Lab | WIRED
Strike Two: Obama’s Second FCC Chairman Fails on Net Neutrality: … #NetNeutrality
Double play Cozart. He can turn ’em and he can hit into ’em @Reds
How long is Mesaraco going to be hitting 7th? @Reds
Wow. Phillips not making way too many plays this year @Reds
1999 Civic LX w/ 125k $5500? 15 yrs old! FIFTEEN! Utterly unfathomable that this is worth over 5000! Couldnt get a trade in for half that!
2005 Civic with 89k miles, 11 grand? ( years old and going on 100k folks. Get real.)
People selling used Civics are asking insane prices. 2010 with 156k Miles! ($9000? Insane. That is an OLD car, even for a Civic)
LOL @LeoLaporte: “If a troll tweets and no one hears them (because they’re blocked), does it matter?” #TWIG 4/23/14
.@JeffJarvis LOL”: “Those newspapers! Only 1% of people who touch them ever write anything”. Slam on idea that “only x% of people ever post”
Love(d) The West Wing, The Newsroom, American President but “The Social Network” made me feel hesitant to trust Sorkin on technology stories
Sorkin on Jobs movie: “It’s not the story of Steve Jobs; something much different” // As in “The Social Network” on Zuckerberg?Not confident
.@JeffJarvis on #TWIG Most publishing platforms are READ by way more people than CONTRIBUTE to them as writers…Basically ALL of them
@dlturn yes. amazing it’s such a big story of heroism for Hannity & crowd; Stewart marvelled at how “Glenn Beck is voice of reason on this”.
First episode was brutally violent, but led to much suspense later in episode 1 when the cop pulls over the Thornton character