@FOX19Joe @MisterRedlegs one has to wonder at some…
@FOX19Joe @MisterRedlegs one has to wonder at some p’t about Reds rehab staff is re:pitchers.. seeing a lot out longer than expected
@FOX19Joe @MisterRedlegs one has to wonder at some p’t about Reds rehab staff is re:pitchers.. seeing a lot out longer than expected
As a public service, the NSA found the Heartbleed bug and exploited it for two years without telling the world. http://t.co/Z5I0S2TDap
GOP has their own SocialProgram called WealthCare where their crafty cronies continue extracting money made by millions of working citizens.
@dlturn REALLY dont understand this one. What are YOU saying here?
@dlturn what did this tweet from TPM have to do with Sean Hannity?
@SamsungSupport tried it. Nothing to show that it connected via MTP. (PTP works, but I cannot use Samsung Kies backup software with PTP)
@dlturn watching this right now while on elyptical: The Pathology of the Rich – Chris Hedges on Reali…: http://t.co/EDa1ApzpjD
@SamsungSupport will try that later, on my way now to the Best Buy
@SamsungSupport have to “Update driver” again and again every time upon re-connect. Will take 3-10 tries each re-connect before it connects
@SamsungSupport been doing this over and over…..it connects about 10% of the time but never upon initial connection of USB.
@SamsungSupport yes… MTP driver…callled MTP USB Device or sometimes Samsung Mobile MTP Device. None will stay connected on re-connect.
@SamsungSupport this is very clearly a driver problem. None of my other USB devices have a hint of a problem connecting. Only this phone.
@SamsungSupport yes….
@SamsungSupport sfae mode made no difference…same MTP error
@SamsungSupport you mean the PC?