RT @GregMitch: That important “Years of Living Dan…
That important “Years of Living Dangerous” series on climate change debuts tonite–full 1st episode on YouTube NOW. http://t.co/VWjkAOwqpI
That important “Years of Living Dangerous” series on climate change debuts tonite–full 1st episode on YouTube NOW. http://t.co/VWjkAOwqpI
The SEC’s just been caught colluding with the banks it’s supposed to regulate http://t.co/H1x3hLeDGa @VoxMedia
.@NYTimes: Franken’s campaign vs Merger http://t.co/riySJauPp3
Say NO to the Cable merger http://t.co/dHaKPCcxcW by @AlFranken
@MotherJones my first thought when I saw the announcement about considering it
Important thinking re: The Bible: The biblical cat is out of the fundamentalist bag http://t.co/3TlAfarQTA by @BrianMcLaren
“God’s startling alternative to our human answer of stopping violence by inflicting a counter-violence” http://t.co/U8TB6SfKTg // Yes. Key.
“if we don’t let Jesus himself teach us to read the Scriptures according to himself, then our Christian…” http://t.co/lzkgsWIeTD
“we should be able to underst’d that gods who command genocidal floods are the gods of old” http://t.co/URJ04kvtrl // Amen. HT @BrianMcLaren
“if we don’t let Jesus himself teach us to read the Scriptures according to himself, then our X’n faith will be lost” http://t.co/0d3ckeKlho
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. #MLK
@dlturn a full 3 minutes later, so I could only assume you saw both, and yet had to ask that question anyway. Seemed you only read half
@dlturn (part 2) and also “in secular circles too”…both within a minute of each other..you replied with “incl those belief in God” (cont.)
@dlturn thing is, I had tweeted two tweets in reply to you asking what I was talking about. I had said “not JUST the religious” and (cont.)
@dlturn and “secular” was the comparison I was making from the beginning to say “it’s not just the religious who do that”