The short guide to Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in th…
The short guide to Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century” via @VoxDotCom by @mattyglesias
The short guide to Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century” via @VoxDotCom by @mattyglesias
4-16-14 event incl @NYTimesKrugman & @JosephEStiglitz on lecture by Thomas Piketty re: his new book to be here soon
re the 3 quotes just shared, “Thomas Piketty has two centuries of data to prove his point.” – @DougHenwood
Last update is part 3/3 quotes via @DougHenwood in this @bookforum review of Piketty’s “Capital in the 21st Century”
“Only crises like war&depression, or pol’tcl interventions eg. taxation (which, to the upper classes, would be a crisis), can do the trick”
“There is no ‘natural’ mechanism inherent in the structure of such economies 4 inhibiting, much less reversing, that tendency” @DougHenwood
“Left to its own devices, wealth inevitably tends to concentrate in capitalist economies.” @DougHenwood @bookforum
RT @chrislhayes “Very clear review of Piketty from @DougHenwood here …”
Global Capitalism: February 2014 Monthly Update: @ProfWolff on Piketty’s book “Capital in the 21st Century” #OWS
RT @BillMoyersHQ: Paul Krugman on why we’re in a new gilded age. @NYTimeskrugman
@billtreadway72 oh. So your oldest is a year YOUNGER than my baby
@billtreadway72 your oldest maybe 1-2 yrs older than her
@billtreadway72 my little one we adopted back when I was at UMPH just turned 16
@billtreadway72 and ehat are you doing? Looks like you just had a third daughter?
@billtreadway72 where is Tiffin?