@jcallina thanks…look forward to it I am dale d…
@jcallina thanks…look forward to it I am dale dot lature at gee mail
@jcallina thanks…look forward to it I am dale dot lature at gee mail
I feel like I am simultaneously someone who could be called a tech-topian and also an alarmist; nerd-cyborg-advocate as well as Luddite.
@jcallina its your call…im probably more flexible on my schedule than you
@jcallina as I am also….love to “Hangout” on Google sometime (even now) and talk further
any of you friends out there who have read “The Singularity is Near” by Ray Kurzweil?
So, what would be the point of creating a bookshelf on Goodreads entitled “Books I’m NOT going to read” ?
Still looking forward to opportunity to talk to a deeply theological person about The #Singularity idea and the implications. Fascinating.
Kurzweil in #Singularity makes the common mistaken assumption that “religion” is primarily about rationalizing death with afterlife promise.
@knightopia i seem to have lost you on Google chat again
@dlturn point was it was indicated this would be an emphasis of the speech. It was merely mentioned. “Severely lacking” any “emphasis”
If that #SOTU was supposed to have “emphasis” on income inequality…it was severely lacking #OWS
seems acc’rdg to Kurzweil, @BillGates holds a similar 2 me, “99%” agreement on #Singularity, doubting we can “duplicate” all intelligence
“Zucker is trying to regain CNN’s 24-hour cable news leadership from the Fox News channel” http://t.co/HzqsEezCvu // “Leadership?” Go for it
MSNBC cuts away from interview w/ Congressperson for Justin Bieber news http://t.co/XiDY9tVdiz
RT @fitchest: “…it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith” Bonhoeffer