Feedback Loops

Back to the Wallace-Wells book, on “Feedback loops”: “A warming planet leads to melting Arctic ice, which means less sunlight reflected back to the sun and more absorbed by a planet warming faster still, which means an ocean less able to absorb atmospheric carbon and so a planet warming faster still. A warming planet will also melt Arctic permafrost, which Continue Reading

The “Climate Caste system”; Environmental justice

“This is what is often called the problem of environmental justice; a sharper, less gauzy phrase would be “climate caste system.” The problem is acute within countries, even wealthy ones, where the poorest are those who live in the marshes, the swamps, the floodplains, the inadequately irrigated places with the most vulnerable infrastructure—altogether an unwitting environmental apartheid. Wallace-Wells, David. The Continue Reading

What’s ahead for the Earthkeepers of the UMC?

So I am wondering about what may be ahead for the UMC**  in terms of the need to focus more of our energies on the Ecological Crisis as a theological crisis and call to responsibility; a close kin and perhaps central tenet of what God is doing amongst us as our moral failings as humanity now threaten, in a most Continue Reading

we must mobilize

“It is important to mobilize people who at the moment are concerned, but basically complacent, and turn them into people who are much more activated and essentially voting about climate as a first-order political priority rather than a third- or fourth-order priority – judging politicians on the basis of their climate policy.”— David Wallace-Wells in an interview in The Guardian Continue Reading

The Industrial World’s Kamikaze Mission

“The majority of the burning has come since the premiere of Seinfeld. Since the end of World War II, the figure is about 85 percent. The story of the industrial world’s kamikaze mission is the story of a single lifetime—the planet brought from seeming stability to the brink of catastrophe in the years between a baptism or bar mitzvah and Continue Reading

the last 3 decades

“more than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades. Which means we have done as much damage to the fate of the planet and its ability to sustain human life and civilization since Al Gore published his first book on climate than in all Continue Reading

Time to step aside and listen to those who inherit this mess

Feinstein: “Ive been doing this for 30 years”.What? Putting off meaningful and sufficient action on the mess we’re making? Voting to kick the can down the road? I think it’s enough (and too much). Please step aside. (My comments inspired by McKibben’s article in the New Yorder, and observation that it’s been 30 years since James Hansen testified before Congress Continue Reading

Eco-justice is a fairer economy

“We need people in every organized workplace to be getting together and imagining what their workplace would look like if they took rapid de-carbonization seriously. And asking how could it improve lives? How could it lead to a fairer economy?” — Naomi Klein She is so awesome!

the end of the world AND the end of the month

“I think the brilliance of the Green New Deal framework is that it doesn’t ask people to choose. It says, “We all care about the end of the world. But we also care about the end of the month. So how do we design policies that simultaneously lower emissions and lower that economic strain?” And that’s exactly what they’re trying Continue Reading

My “problem” with Naomi Klein

I have a “problem” with Naomi Klein in that I can never stop succumbing to the temptation to quote too much of her articles. No surprise that her book “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate” was THE one I point to that really did set me on a new path in my theological mission and focus: To help enable Continue Reading

“a time of multiple overlapping crises”

On the #GreenNewDeal: “It’s about understanding that we are in a time of multiple overlapping crises, and that we are on an incredibly tight deadline when it comes to lowering greenhouse-gas emissions in time to prevent truly catastrophic warming. In order to bring people along with these necessary changes, there have to be benefits in the here-and-now in terms of Continue Reading

GreenNewDeal is drawing a lot of obfuscating arguments

There’s a CNN interview(linked below) with AOC that right wingers (and many “moderates”, like CNN) are touting as “showing how unrealistic AOC and the #GreenNewDeal is in terms of affordability” . But , as usual, a great deal of obfuscation is involved. This articles explains what we need : Which is more context and actual economics. ““[it is] deceptive .. Continue Reading

Been “doing this” for 30 years

Another stinger from McKibben in his New Yorker article about the Feinstein debacle: “The irony is that, when Feinstein said she’s been “doing this for thirty years,” she described the precise time period during which we could have acted. James Hansen brought the climate question to widespread attention with his congressional testimony in 1988. If we’d moved thirty years ago, Continue Reading