Episcopal church has “Eco-Justice” listing under “Ministries”

This page : http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/eco-justice under the “Ministries” tab actually shows up as a drop down from the Home page,  so they have the best “presence” yet found. This is not exactly a glowing report.  As I have been maintaining,  this seems to me to be warranting a significant, theologically challenging and reformation-inducing confrontation that strikes at the core of who Continue Reading

More of the ‘Indirect Climate Crisis Denial’ in obviously related causes

So,  here’s a bit from the Presbyterian website,  on a page about an Advocacy Training” in April 2016: At Compassion Peace and Justice Training Day, we will take a look at how Presbyterians are working to address the suppression of political and economic rights of people of color, immigrants, workers, and the poor in our own country and abroad. We Continue Reading

Churches need to bring to the fore the grassroots faith-based Climate message

A study on right wing “studies” article offers this depiction of “the arguments” the Right has vs Climate Change.  Seems accurate. three basic messages: (1) Climate change isn’t happening. (2) If climate change were happening, that would still be OK, because climate change is good for you. (3) Even if climate change were happening and it was bad, the solution Continue Reading

The stakes are higher than simply dismissing the folks with their “heads in the sand”

Denial of science is MUCH MORE DESTRUCTIVE today than when the Church in the Middle Ages denied the science of Copernicus. It was an easy matter and of no real consequence for the life of the inhabitants of the planet that so many Christians fell in line with the old world view, “because the Bible.” Now, things are different. Ignoring Continue Reading

King, The “Inconvenient Hero”, and “The Ecological Thinker”

How often we forget (and ignore) what MLK did and said and wrote AFTER 1963, after “I have a Dream”…..He moved to link the various maladies of society to the larger problem of justice; to a “Cosmic bent toward justice”; to Vietnam and violence, to Economic justice (Poor People’s March, housng in Chicago, Memphis sanitation worker’s strike), and yes, even Continue Reading

Mentioning Climate and then moving on; the usual habit

“NBC could have asked Democratic candidates 1,000 smarter questions on climate change than this.” http://ow.ly/XdLLW And yet, as I look at the article expecting some examples of the 1000, scarcely little more time was spent in the article on this quesiton than NBC gave it.* (See update on this below)  I think we have a real problem talking about this, Continue Reading

MLK sensed what Climate Science knew and later confirmed

MLK always knew “Life is Interrelated”. In his Letter from the Birmingham jail,  he wrote “We are all in an inescapable network of mutuality”.  Had the verdict on Climate been in during his time, he would have been including and integrating that into his insights. This is perhaps an insight whose time has come for the church to stand up Continue Reading

The Web has caught some of that “emptiness virus” over the years

25 years ago,  and for about 10 years after that,  the Web was a REALLY exciting place. Electric, vivacious, energetic,  full of hope and possibility.  It still is,  but it has been “contaminated” with what contaminates nearly everything that becomes ubiqutous: the kind of “anomie” that seems to come with mass-anything.  Social Media has been both a blessing and a curse.  In the Continue Reading