Hillary Dem nomination not good news for the planet

Hillary made it abundantly clear that she has next to no identification with the massive independent movement that the Sanders campaign brought into the DNC. Her responses to the Sanders campaign were horrendous, condescending, and revealing of how dangerously establishment she is. She has revealed how neocon international ideology has been adopted into the playbook of “liberal”. It obliterates the Continue Reading

It’s more important that we deal seriously with Climate than what gender our President is

Of much larger “historic” significance than a Presidential gender is the apparent decision to — despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that is growing more and more foreboding every day — just simply continue on as if nothing will ever happen to us, and that the ecological system will just have to agree with us and give us permission. Foolish, foolish Continue Reading

The “lesser of two evils”, Hillary/Trump and the Climate Crisis

I’ve often entertained and contemplated the questions surrounding what happens if we don’t “rally around Hillary”. Hillary and her supporters have claimed that it is like voting for Trump. Many Sanders supporters are supporters precisely because they are (myself included) are saying “Enough is enough”. And when faced with the possibility that a big drop in Democratic support might well Continue Reading