shameful behavior, @DWStweets  Embarassing display…
shameful behavior, @DWStweets Embarassing display of establishment politics. You make me embarassed! You are turning off a generation.
shameful behavior, @DWStweets Embarassing display of establishment politics. You make me embarassed! You are turning off a generation.
“John 3:16 is not a call to personal salvation or revivalist fervor, [but] a glimpse of Christianity’s central cosmology.” @dianabutlerbass
Previous quote from @dianabutlerbass in Grounded: Finding God in the World- A Spiritual Revolution
“If humans created the Anthropocene, we can certainly reimagine how our cherished faith can help us navigate rough weather ahead” – D.B.Bass
@ColtsFan254 not sure what that means…typo maybe?
@ColtsFan254 the future, including what that means for ALL of those things you listed, is being taken from us the more we use fossil fuels
Blog post: An “Eco-Carol” I had never noticed before:
Blog post: An “Eco-Carol” I had never noticed before:
I heard an old Christmas hymn anew last night, as my wife and daughter were on stage singing with a church choir from First UMC, Lavergne. Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o’er all the earth; Ye who sang creation’s story, Now proclaim Messiah’s birth: Come and worship, Come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King! “Ye who Continue Reading
Anyone else’s Comcast Internet Usage Meter broken? Mine’s been stuck since Dec.9. Spoke to Level 2 support in Security Dept. at Comcast.
@ColtsFan254 if you believe in the continued use of fossil fuels, then you only THINK you believe in caring for creation.
A Turning Point for the Climate or a Disaster? Michael Brune vs. George Monbiot on Paris via @DemocracyNow
The many important points/issues with Paris talks are well articulated by @Bruneski and @GeorgeMonboit on @DemocracyNow today (at 12:19)
.@DemocracyNow 12-14, Amy talks to Michael Brune @bruneski (@SierraClub ) & @GeorgeMonbiot @Guardian. Great convo