Blog post: Thinking I am going to change my Wordpr…
Blog post: Thinking I am going to change my WordPress Theme:
Blog post: Thinking I am going to change my WordPress Theme:
This is awesome from @billmckibben: “There no longer IS any LONG HAUL” from his chapter in For Our Common Home #pandopopulus
Everything that happened in the GOP debate on Fox Business via @mashable
Mulling the articulation of a network devoted to exploring what it means to be the church in Climate Crisis (to be )
Put in my order for and .net
#ourgenerationourchoice are the rightful heirs of the reigns of leadership, and the recipients of the failure of this civilization to act
#blacklivesmatter, #immigration, #education, and #climatejustice are foci of #ourgenerationourchoice
My critique is with the attempted easy dismissal of protests over complex, integrated matters by trying to make it fit a “tidy” narrative
DC Youth protests are talking “Intersectional justice”. I can just hear the critiques coming: “Focus on one thing” #ourgenerationourchoice
One of the surest signs that someone is “supporting a political agenda” is that they complain of others “supporting a political agenda”
So what is The Spirit saying to the Churches in this EcoCrisis? That is the question for those of us who love the Church & The Big Narrative
Yet another related question vis-Ã -vis John on Patmos: “He who has ears to hear let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches”
Paul had to write letters of warning and/or admonishment to various 1st century A.D. churches. What might an Eco-Apostle be writing today?
IOW, what’s our narrative, or the articulation of our “Good News”? We need to be forming a new eco theological language and narrative
Thinking about ecotheology “Good News” and Christian witness….is there a “4 ecotheological laws”? (Sorry for the awkward example)