Ferguson and the Church’s Responsibility: A Call to Black Power

we must learn to separate the individual officers, the lower-case police as humans, from the capital P- Police, the system and the problem. For Christians, we stand with people but we stand against systems of oppression. “Fuck the Police” can be possible in a Christian context, because it is the real cry of people, because it is a cry of Continue Reading

Yikes. Scientists Say Global Warming Has Been “Hugely Underestimated”

Scientists Say Global Warming Has Been “Hugely Underestimated” via As Casualties Mount, Scientists Say Global Warming Has Been “Hugely Underestimated”. A major study recently published in New Scientist found that “scientists may have hugely underestimated the extent of global warming because temperature readings from southern hemisphere seas were inaccurate,” and said that ACD is “worse than we thought” because it Continue Reading

Occupy London, Real Democracy @PopResistance #NotDeadYet

http://www.popularresistance.org/occupy-continues-in-parliament-square-for-real-democracy/ Doesn’t seem to be “dead”…. As long as corporate corruption and undemocratic shenanigans continue,  the people will not continue to acquiesce. Now if only we can light a fire under our populace here in the states. If Londoners can do this,  why can’t we?  (Answer,  we can and do,  but it needs to get persistent and un-“missable”…..the #PeoplesClimate and Continue Reading