The false claims of the power of the one percent #OWS @Joerg_Rieger

Could it be that seeing through the false claims of the power of the one percent, exposed by the Occupy movement, not only makes us better communities but also better theologians? via Theology at the Service of Humanity | Syndicate. I rarely quote the final sentence of an article in my highlighting/linking to a piece,  but this one obviously stuck Continue Reading

Introduce @NaomiAKlein ‘s @ThisChanges Everything into theological discussion, and see the “sparks” fly

The “sparks” lead to two different ingnitions: The all too common right wing knee-jerk, auto-pilot echo of the political right wing’s dismissal and rage against the idea that climate change poses an existential danger to us. Then there is the igniting of the long and rich history of ecotheological depth in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and in “other” theological traditions (especially Continue Reading

.@ThisChanges Everything about how I think about Climate Change. What a journey.

Soon after the Occupy movement began, I bought the domain It was an immensely theological event for me, and continues to be, regardless of the “hibernation” it’s most “visible” elements may be experiencing. I write “visible” in quotes, because it’s visibility tends to be defined by the media. If it’s not being covered as a REAL MOVEMENT, but as Continue Reading