Crap. Wanted to see “Kill the Messenger” but its…
Crap. Wanted to see “Kill the Messenger” but its not playing in Nashville anywhere (at least yet, not even in parts of town w/movie taste)
Crap. Wanted to see “Kill the Messenger” but its not playing in Nashville anywhere (at least yet, not even in parts of town w/movie taste)
@dlturn they DIDNT do it for the sake of their ideology?
quote ripe with #OccupyTheology as well as any one phrase could be: ” Church! Act like a church!” via @KristaTippett w/ @nathanairplane
RT @cgerrish: .@dlature > Exhausted Noam Chomsky Just Going To Try And Enjoy The Day For Once > // clever, funny
Blog: Some more great #OccupyTheology from @nathanairplane via NPR’s Krista Tippett #occupytheology
Here is a quote from the video that encapsulates #OccupyTheology as well as any phrase could: Church! Act like a church! (about 22:30 for the context) via Krista Tippett with Nathan Schneider – YouTube. On what he (Nathan) hopes for about how people in the world are living that agency; building those kinds of communities that we need; to resist Continue Reading
Blog post:Some more great #OccupyTheology from @nathanairplane via NPR’s Krista Tippett:
Blog: Some great #OccupyTheology : Lessons on the Bible from Occupy Wall Street (YouTube) by @… #occupytheology
Blog :Some #OccupyTheology : Lessons on the Bible from Occupy Wall Street (YouTube) by @nathanairplane
Extraction economy “is the behavior of addicts, and addicts do bad stuff” @WinonaLaduke #ocsl
“It’s really good that we have a leaderless movement–that’s how it should work in this networked, decentralized age” @billmckibben #ocsl
“It was beautiful interplay” between @Peoples_Climate and @FloodWallStreet – @billmckibben #OCSL
There are more experts on CNN right now talking about Ebola in America than people with ebola in America.
JeffreyTaylor argument is so sociologically clueless it’s embarassing; he cant see false compartmentalization of ideology from all else