@SteveGillmor from what you were saying on the Gan…
@SteveGillmor from what you were saying on the Gang, highly recommend 2u Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate
@SteveGillmor from what you were saying on the Gang, highly recommend 2u Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate
Maybe someone at @SalesForce will put those visuals together with the @AlGore video and re-publish on the Web.
Really want to find the visuals @AlGore used in his @Dreamforce talk I linked earlier. Those are crucial to the message.
.@AlGore at @Dreamforce : “The Climate crisis is the outer manifestation of a spiritual crisis” #EcoTheology #OWS #PeoplesClimate
Reimagine. Everything. @AlGore #PeoplesClimate talk (video) @Dreamforce HT @SteveGillmor http://t.co/8oJZdYoCPR
Looking fwd to hearing @SteveGillmor describe/comment on the @ALGORE talk on yesterday’s #TheGillmorGang which is entitled “Solar Panels”
On the day I finish my first reading of @NaomiAKlein ‘s @ThisChanges Everything I see @SteveGillmor raving about @AlGore prez at @dreamforce
“This project also has led our governments to stand by helplessly for more than two decades as the climate cr… http://t.co/n52Viz0AIT
What we’re up against: “we are products of our age and of a dominant ideological project. One that too often h… http://t.co/QH4wDuFrE3
Another ecotheological truth “Climate change is our chance to right those festering wrongs at last—the unfinis… http://t.co/Vg8Vx1wm3P
#OWS being one too “climate change can be the force—the grand push—that will bring together all of these still… http://t.co/CkAvpaUpqR
This: “The fact that our most heroic social justice movements won on the legal front but suffered big losses o… http://t.co/KOeTO7yIag
.@Joerg_Rieger whoops…Ampersand breaks the hashtag and separates Empire from Christ (theologically good, but hashtag not so good) 🙂
Blog: .@Joerg_Rieger on Organizing Alternative Power & #OccupyTheology http://t.co/76YAX9nfjX #occupytheology
RT @joerg_rieger: Earliest ref’cs to Jesus were developed in the context of empire in ways that interfered w/empire or at least resisted it.