.@billmaher had another nonsense rant on 3/14 on B…
.@billmaher had another nonsense rant on 3/14 on Bible & God based on nonsense fundamentalist interpretations. What else is new?
.@billmaher had another nonsense rant on 3/14 on Bible & God based on nonsense fundamentalist interpretations. What else is new?
.@BillMaher, like too many other “New Athiests” ,clueless re: Bible & Apocalyptic literature. Apocalyptic lit. rarely if ever meant literal
After all, Louisville won with their #4 seed last year. And they did draw what could be said to be the weakest most vulnerable #1
Louisville is #18 RPI, with 97 rank in SOS, so #4 seed could be said to be deferential to their being defending National champs
When technophobia surfaces in theological communities, I tend to sound like a techutopian. Every age deals with its tech-disruptions
@jcallina absolutely.
RT @jcallina: @dlature There is a secular version of this too. The religious are just adopting the moral panic about newer media forms.
But this does not preclude the possibility that SocMedia CAN for some become unhealthy. But a range of things also CAN.
I sense majority of the “give up SM for Lent” might lean toward acceptance of idea that technology has some inherent “non-spiritual” aspect
As @breyeschow indicates in this int’vw http://t.co/s5jYYofOoI the idea is to give up addictions that disrupt comm. w/ God
Giving up social media for lent seems akin to “giving up driving cars” since for many, SM enables connection just as driving to church
@jcallina not to mention having much of a clue about religious/spiritual behavior
How many Christians actually do the “giving up X for lent” at all? That itself is a BIG FILTER on this. Then what % are active SM users?
“31% of Christians giving up social media for Lent” http://t.co/I2sHtymlZu So how does one determine this is happening? Kind of hard.
RT @TweetSmarter: 31% of Christians giving up Social Media for Lent http://t.co/4iyDAzIbhx #sm //Not seeing this at all.1st I’ve heard of it