@comcastCares still no HBO after I called about bi…
@comcastCares still no HBO after I called about billing error (unrelated to HBO) Can we get this resolved since chat rep said he could not?
@comcastCares still no HBO after I called about billing error (unrelated to HBO) Can we get this resolved since chat rep said he could not?
@comcastterence pretty inefficient to not have someone who can get the right codes restored for my box
@comcastterence not yet…online chat just told me my box doesnt have hbo code and I will have to call sales tomorrow to have it reassigned
@ComcastCares Was just on phone to get a billing problem resolved. Now after that took over an hour, my box thinks I don’t have HBO now.
KXL prtesters: “We voted for a climate champion, not a pipeline president” http://t.co/ljMpZ4NPEv
RT @wa8dzp: Doctorow:Free download of danah boyd’s must-read book “It’s Complicated”: http://t.co/lLBWNqEI6c (via @BoingBoing) A must read!
@LaughingStoic @TimCarr clear from http://t.co/zlflUy1XkI that “Google $” aren’t what’s driving articles like Brake’s. It’s those “other” $
@LaughingStoic it’s laughable that they use the word “innovation” when all they do is defend copper and actively fight better alternatives
@LaughingStoic @TimCarr the affiliated “Innovation Files” blog is blatant “counter-propaganda” aimed at the crtics of CableCo practices
@LaughingStoic kind of like our politics eh? Lots of money flowing. Any telecom dollars in there? CableCos spend on stifling innovation
@LaughingStoic @TimKarr if you look up ” Information Technology and Innovation Foundation” , you’ll see the Orwellian use of “innovation”
Here a Comcast-paid “analyst” says anyone calling #ComcastTWC anti-consumer is just a “paranoid blogger” http://t.co/NqIAnR1BOU
and a second day of school cancelled this week (tomorrow due to rural road condtions).
@Comcast on demand rec of the 3-1-14 SatNightLive volume constantly changing
Isn’t “Jesus-based faith” and “Works-based-faith” describing the same thing?