@ChrisDStedman similar anthropomorphic modernist a…
@ChrisDStedman similar anthropomorphic modernist assumptions (about the nature of “divinity” in reference to Jesus) getting in the way
@ChrisDStedman similar anthropomorphic modernist assumptions (about the nature of “divinity” in reference to Jesus) getting in the way
@ChrisDStedman I notice you’re conversing with @rachelheldevans She is one I would feel confident in what she considers “central”
@ChrisDStedman I would love to have a more ftf dialog like over Google Hangout….
@ChrisDStedman indeed it is …evidenced by having to spill over into “2 of 2” (to cite just the start of the problem with twittervdebates
@ChrisDStedman …2 of 2. Are what’s most important…..
@ChrisDStedman it may sound strange, but “existence” is laden with modernist baggage & Id say how we define that & the implications of it ..
@ChrisDStedman such as? I have a hunch I will share your offensecat their being given such importance
@ChrisDStedman id just like to hear what those “central tenets” are. Anything unlike “God is love” is seriously skewed imho
@ChrisDStedman sure. I would probably reject most ideas that presented a sense of centrality to relatively unimportant dogma.
This “central tenet(s)” idea that too many athiests cite as reason for their “rejection” of Christianity is a straw man.
@ChrisDStedman I likely agree that “central tenets” are not truly important; but I also think that assumes wrongly that they are central
Unless you conclude that THE “central tenet” of Christianity is “God is love” chances are you’ve mistaken something else for Christianity
“I left X’nity b/c I studied it & didn’t believe its central claims were true” http://t.co/ASQsATTHCx // begs qtn of “central tenets”
Got resolution via @ComcastCares as is often the case. @Comcast REALLY needs to look at the horrible inefficiencies of their phone support
@ComcastWill the channels are indeed back. Thanks again