The story of the CableCos yet another part of the…
The story of the CableCos yet another part of the story of income inequality in America; allowing CableCos consolidation only extends that
The story of the CableCos yet another part of the story of income inequality in America; allowing CableCos consolidation only extends that
Obvious in the CableCo behemoth efforts to keep competition out Where incumbents act as gatekeepers, new tech…
RT @Frank_Schaeffer: Please do me a big favor and share this link of my interview
The travelling that is allowed now in college basketball; what I call the “NBA-ization” of college basketball. Sheesh. Ridculous.
My brain is like a 1956 supercomputer. Asked it to recall the name of a weird movie I once saw & I got the answer 1.3 days later.
Last tweet had more TMI factor per character than most tweets
Had my first WhiteCastle bombs in quite a while. Considerably greasier than Krystal Burger (makes buns wet with grease). Greasier/Gas-ier.
Ian Haney López “Dog Whistle Politics” How Tea Party uses strategic racism to get voters to the polls @BillMoyersHQ
@stevegillmor thanks! sorry I must have missed the annoucement
@SteveGillmor @KevinMarks @TinaGillmor @Scobleizer what happened to the #GillmorGang ? Moved again?
Kindle AND Audible Book of @Scrawford ‘s Captive Audience just $20 + tax..about to be in car for 90 minute round trip, so takin’ it with me!
The argument CableCos don’t want you to hear, on @CSPANVA, where corporate $ don’t hold sway like on @CNN @MSNBC @Fox
Wow. It shouldn’t take a whole lot more than stories like this that we can take to planners and ask “Why not here?” How to argue with ROI?
Terrific @communitynets paper re Santa Monica (my home town) fiber
We need a Teddy Roosevelt again; someone who will take on the elite ownership monopolies that take captive each technical advance for profit